Wednesday 23 June 2021

Vocal Records - Barry Keen (1976), Kim Cote (1978), E.N. Berting, Marty Koll, J.J. Collins, Grant Norlin, Lenny Roemer and Friends


Today we've got a set of singles from Vocal Records, which was the imprint of E.K. Studios The clipping below describes the studio's output as "country, middle-of-the-road gospel and other specialized music" - which is pretty much what this batch of 7 inchers is.

The records by Barry Keen, E.N. Berting, J.J. Collins, Lenny Roemer, and Marty Koll cover off the country end of the spectrum, while Grant Norlin is the gospel (as you can tell by the title/cover).  The Kim Cote single on here is an odd mix of "specialized music" and country - the A side is a soft rock instrumental, but the B side is a a bit of a country stomper. Cote has an album and single on Westmount that we're curious about - is it as eclectic as this Vocal single?

The one Vocal single that we'd like to get our hands on is a garage rocker by the Saints, featuring a cover of the old standard, "Fever." 'Cos that's the sort of "specialized music" we really like.

Get our Vocal singles here!

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