Saturday 5 February 2011

CCPS Miscellany: Christopher Truch's Postcards from New York

We got a pleasant surprise in our email inbox this week, a message and mp3 from Christopher Truch. Christopher contacted us a couple of years ago, and at that time sent us a pile of music (including this great live Quitters set). He also sent us a a couple of other pieces that we didn't post at the time - but it makes sense to put these up now, along with the new track he sent us.

Gentle Ben is an acoustic trip down much the same road as Truch's Little Canada, recorded when he first moved to New York in 1998. Harold London feels like it should be crackling off a slightly warped 78 rpm record, but was recorded in 2003 at the height of the US's war with Iraq. And, finally, a brand new Little Canada track titled "Hey Martin Tielli" shows "what 13 years in New York will do to a Canadian boy's nervous system."

Truch tells us he's back in Canada now, in Guelph. Which we've always thought of as a state of being, not so much a place.