Friday 3 October 2014

CCPS Miscellany: Grandpa's Magick Pinecone - Old Lady Ozzy Fist (1992)

We're going to ease back into the posts, and what better place to start than with something completely random from Chris Zuk? We can't remember what Chris told us about this Red Deer band, other than that they were from Red Deer (to be clear: we can't even remember who was more drunk, Gene Poole or Zuk, so lots of details around this exchange are clearly lost to the aether). Which makes this a fairly unique post for the CCPS - we honestly can't think of another band that claimed to be from Red Deer. Really, who would?

Friday 4 July 2014

Breakfast at Rock Central (ca. 2006)

We're at the start of what for a lot of folks is the single best reason to leave Calgary during July, so we'd like to provide a small bit of respite with a couple of clips from this great documentary from director Lock Fulton. We'd been looking for a way to see Breakfast at Rock Central for a while (we missed the few screenings when it originally came out), so we were happily surprised to find a copy bundled with the Dudes' Blood Guts Bruises and Cuts CD a few weeks ago.

This is short, low-budget film tells the story of the legendary Victoria Park party, from the days when the cops were kicking down doors and trying to shut it down to when they'd show up to make sure everyone was safe and having a good time - and let the Dude Bomb get away with being the Dude Bomb. If features all of the folks you'd expect - The Dudes, Matt Masters, Paul Spence and the Infernos/Creep'r, as well as Andy Sparacino and the A Team. We never were cool enough to get to a Rock Central party, so it's a treat to have this to document a time gone by.

The version we got turns out to be one of three versions, according to Fulton. This one was edited by a studio in Vancouver, and focused on the Dudes - and happened largely because of their championing the project. An first, extended cut was done for CIFF (Fulton says it was "rushed to the screen to tie in with the building being knocked down"). A third version was done for the 2008 Stampede. Fulton says he has been talking with former A-Team member Dan McKinnon about doing a fresh cut and re-release, which we would certainly welcome.

Friday 30 May 2014

Rambin' Ambassadors - Live at the Marquee Room

Here's some more video from Coyote Will, this time of the mighty Ramblin' Ambassadors, accompanied by what we think is the Kabuki Guns Burlesque. He didn't tell us what year this was taken, but we're pretty sure this is from some time around 2008 - the Golden Age of Burlesque in this fine city of ours, before the Government outlawed such horrible displays of fun.

This video reminds us of two things. First, how much fun it is to watch Brent Cooper play guitar. And, second, what a great venue the Marquee Room was.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Chad VanGaalen - Cassette Series (2011)

Now, we at the CCPS aren't the most "with it" or "on top of things" (as you can tell by the lack of posts from the past few weeks, as well as by Gene's choices in clothing), so maybe you can excuse us for having completely slept on the cassette series that local wunderkind Chad VanGaalen put out, uh, three years ago. We're pretty sure that every blog and music zine has already written about this ad nauseum, but for the official CCPS record, we'll quickly restate that this was a series of eight tapes of home recordings that VanGaalen put out as a charity thang.

Amazingly, there are still a few in the Flemish Eye webstore, so we snagged some. We're also going to buy Gene a pair of skinny jeans and a new haircut, to further catch up.