Monday 29 June 2009

Mediaucracy - New Western Empire


This tape comes to us via Casey Lewis, without the jcard. We managed to steal the artwork from elsewhere on the interweb, saving us from the no jcard tag. But we still don't know much about these guys - the contact on the tape is Mark Vermin, who we think is/was/will ever be Mark from Inquisition/Martyr Index.

But we're a bit damaged after Sled Island. We're not sure about much right now.

Saturday 20 June 2009

Silent Terror - Cowcore

Silent Terror - Cowcore

We can't quite put a date on this one, but we believe this is from some time in the mid- to late-80's. Silent Terror also appear on the legendary Calgary Compelation, We believe there's a link between this band and Six Feet Under, but we can't verify that right now - one of our favourite sources, the esteemed but neglected Punk History Canada, has taken its band info pages down due to hacking issues.

Get it here.

Thursday 18 June 2009

Everymen - POW! Right in the Dink (1995)

The Everymen - POW! Right in the Dink'

The Everymen - POW! Right in the Dink-2

Before we're forced to fire our research team, we'd like to provide a tape that we do know something about. The proprietor of Echo Base Studios, Mr. Casey Lewis, was good enough to pass along a pile of tapes. So we'll lead with his old band, the ever-lovely Everymen. 13 (or 14?) tracks of solid power pop-driven punk.

We must have caught Casey in a nostalgic mood - he reminded us of the days when the Everymen were kings of the Calgary Multicultural Centre. Good times, no?


Boozehounds - Getting Drunk (1993)


We don't know anything about this one (a recurring theme here at the CCPS, no?). Even the title is a matter of debate - You Make me Sick (cover) or Getting Drunk (tape label)? The tape label wins out, because someone miscounted the ballots.

Update: Edmonton madman Chris Zuk slid us a copy of this tape with a different cover (the second image above), which confirms the name of the tape, as well as giving us a year - and a hint of who recorded this, at least.

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Free Admission - $6.00 Cover Charge (1994)

Free Admission

This is another tape that Brad Windsor passed our way. We'd like to be able to tell you more about it, but Googling "Free Admission" is a pretty pointless exercise.

Dear All Future Bands: please make your names more Google friendly, 'kaythanksbye.

Societies Criminals - Mario Andretti (1993)

Societies Criminals

So many questions tonight. Is the poor grammar in this band's name intentional? Is it a francophone thing? Why Mario Andretti?

So, so many questions.

Sunday 14 June 2009

Ivy League - We Gotta Stop Doin' Shit Like This

Stop doing shit like what? Like losing j-cards? We don't know anything about these guys - it's from the magic bag of tapes that Todd and Dan passed us. All Dan can tell us is:

"If I recall, that band was a couple dudes from Wrong Floor. Not Rob, but a couple other dudes. I remember seeing them at Carpenter's Union Hall with Non-Prophet, but I don't think they were actually around for too long. I hate it when cassettes don't have liner notes!"

So do we!

Friday 12 June 2009

Weekend Terrorist Society - PC = Stoopid WTS = Smart (1998)

Weekend Terrorist Society

We think this is a Darren Preston band. Pre-Porter Hall? We're not sure. It doesn't even have a track listing. And we'd rather go find something in the way of an alcoholic beverage rather than read their manifesto.

'Cause we've been working for the weekend.

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Rebel Young Republican - Tales of the North American Proletariat (1996)

Rebel Young Republican

A commenter has saved us a bit of trouble in tracing this band's lineage. Guitarist Darren Preston previously played in Non Prophet, and then went on to Porter Hall - replacing Jeff Caissie when he moved south (if the Gauntlet is to be believed).

Unfortunately, that's all we can do right now.

Get RYR here.

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Smash the State - Smash the State (1996)

Smash the State

Smash the State-2

From the title, you maybe expect something from the great punk discography and compilation series. Or maybe something connected to Vancouver's DOA. You'd be wrong on all counts, but we would certainly not be disappointed in you. We don't expect you to know everything. (And we hope you don't expect the same of us.)

From our pal Dan Izzo:
I never actually saw Smash the State play (I think they only did one or two shows), but they gave me a copy to play on my radio show, and then called in and threatened to beat me up when I made fun of them on the air. It's actually better than you'd expect, in a Ramonesy sort of way. John Wenkoff (He always preferred "Johnny Forgotten". I have no idea why, since I can't think of a punker last name than "Wenkoff". It's even punker than "Izzo"!).

Smashy smashy!

Saturday 6 June 2009

El Caminos - The Betrayers

We're not sure how wise it is to start AND finish your day with Kamil Krulis (we'll see YOU down at the Palomino tonight for the 3rd Annual James Muretich Memorial Fundraiser, featuring Kamil and his Sublinguals). But we've never been ones for sensical endeavours.

Brad Windsor gave this to us, but we're not sure of its origin (again, we're lacking a j-card here). We think, based on this old VOX article, that the pair of 7" singles never happened and the four songs were released on this tape.

We're also thinking that, based on the photos in the article, that the good-looking drummer is Mr. Mike Bressanutti. But we're not sure.

But then, are we ever?

Update: we've been reminded that the Bobby Torpedo/Kamil Krulis adventure after the El Caminos was the Betrayers (with Kara Keith, among others). Which makes us suspect that this tape is a split deal, maybe the first 2 tracks are El Caminos, the second 2 Betrayers? If anyone has the art, we'd be super-thankful.

Bad Housekeeping - Macho Rock Onslaught (1988)

The Bad Housekeeping

Finally! Big thanks to Brad Windsor for passing this gem on to us. We're going to steal straight from BeATroute:

This one had it all, Mexican wrestling masks before wrestling was cool, outrageous costumes, 'The Brothers Pontez', the KISS thing and all the front you could ever handle in the form of one Kamil Krulis on lead vocals. I still haven't fully recovered from witnessing this band live.

You gotta hand it to Kamil: 20 plus years later, he's still more front than you can handle.

Thursday 4 June 2009

Serial Heroes - Same Olde Shit (1995)

Serial Heroes - Same Old Shirt

Dan gave this to us at Tubby Dog. We don't know much/anything about it.

But what we do know is that Tubby Dog looks like they're hosting a pretty fantastic party in a few weeks.

Oh, wait - we found Dan's note to us about this one: Another Randy Rudland band. According to Johnny Wenkoff these guys were "The ONLY punk band in Calgary" at the time. I think Chris Holman and Jay Sinclair were in this band, too.

Someone else told us that it wasn't Chris Holman, it was Jay Walters.

Get Serial Heroes here.

Monday 1 June 2009

Randolph Hitler and the Alcoholocaust - Randolph Hitler and the Alcoholocaust

What do we have tonight? No year, no j-card, nothing.

It's gotta get better than this.

Update: we got the artwork. Hoooboy, glad we didn't hold our breath for this one.