Wednesday 25 June 2014

Neutral States - Temporary Foreign Workers (2014)

Another tape that we picked up on our Sled Island journey this year is this one. Rather, it was passed to us in the dark at the Republik just before the legendary Bob Mould took the stage (speaking of which: no one in the crowd claimed to also have seen him last time he was in town).

The Neutral States is former Fire Engine Red bassist/songwriter Lee Shedden's newest venture, which he's managed to put together a pretty fine group of folks for. Andrew Wedderburn is filling in on second/lead-ish guitar and Lorrie Matheson's wrecking crew (okay, an approximation thereof) fills out the band. It looks like the band has morphed slightly from this recording - the rhythm section last time we heard from them was made up of Matt Doherty and Elescia Eisler. But that may have changed again.

Anyways, Shedden's playing a pretty great bunch of noisy pop on here - in places it sounds like Thrush Hermit, which is a-okay in our books. Wait, Gene says we're not allowed to compare them to a non-Calgary band. So let's say they sound like, uh, Geek Beet. We're feeling pretty lazy, post-Sled.

Also, this tape is apparently a pre-release or something like that. You can listen to the songs on the Neutral States bandcamp, where you can also pre-order the tape, CD or LP. Now that's a range of choices we haven't seen in about 25 years!

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