Monday 10 September 2012

Road Crew Orange - Cement Wall (1994)

So, carrying on with the Black Lounge theme we seem to have going here, we've got another tape from Glenn Bickham's collection.

This is a tape that Road Crew Orange recorded for a tour of the States, and it didn't get wide distribution here. Or any distribution, from what we can tell.

So, we suspect that a few of you might be interested in heading straight to the download.

Saturday 8 September 2012

SOB - Demo

Glenn Bickham got in touch with in August about a few tapes he dug out of his basement, and among them was this little beauty. This stands as THE best re-use of a tape that we've ever seen. A Canadian Tire Vic-20 tape? Heck, yes!

That said, the great idea doesn't mean that the tape has held up well over the years (we put this tape at 1993 or 1994). But the low quality tape and questionable housing mechanism gave the CCPS engineers nothing but grief when we went to play it, it was full of wow and flutter and started emitting the most amazing mechanical squealing. So, we turned to a hint we read on the interweb and threw the tape in the CCPS beer fridge overnight. And, lo and behold, it worked! Thanks to the magic of thermodynamics (or something? we're not big on physics), we managed to get this to play, worry-free.

Oh, yeah - the music. SOB was an early incarnation of Wrong Floor, and this was recorded in their basement.

So, file this formerly squeaky tape under all ages punk.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Beyond Possession - Live at the Black Lounge (1996)

Well, summer here at the CCPS has been a bit slow. We've been lazy, we admit it. But we've got a few things in the queue, as a sort of back-to-school present for the kids. We're going to start with this, a combination DVD and CD that Eraz Cohen passed to us a couple of weeks ago (it pays to go to the record shoppes, kids!).

This is a fairly legendary show - when Melodiya released the Repossessed compilation CD in 1996, Beyond Possession also played a show at the Black Lounge (one of four they did at the time, according to the Encylopaedia Metallum) We're pretty thrilled to see this, because it's a pretty crazy show. You get to see Ron Hadley losing his shit because of sound problems as the band is trying to get started. You get to see Ron Hadley losing his shit because the stage divers are taking over the stage. And you get to see Ron Hadley losing his shit because... well, because he's Ron Hadley.

So, while you get to see all of that, we're not sure what's up with the CD. The recording starts about two tracks in (compared to the video), and then goes to crap after track 6. Still, we're providing it as a separate download, since the first six tracks sound great - and also in case you need some white noise to put you to sleep at night.