Monday 13 September 2010

Quickening - The Quickening (1992)

Early this year, Peter Gagnon from the Quickening contacted us to offer up a copy of this tape, but we never connected. So it was -as always - a treat to find this is the CJSW library. However, it does mean that we're not entirely sure who the other folks in this band were.

We had the Quickening pegged as a Metanoia band (probably because of their inclusion on the Metanoia comp), but this tape doesn't appear to be released by those good folks. Still, it has all the hallmarks of the label - heavy guitars, somewhere between metal and grunge.

Get it here.


DJ Prolapsed Anus said...

There were two versions of this band so far as I know:
Cam sang in both.
This tape is the first version of it, the second was:

Brent Gough was on bass
think the guitar player was named Ian (might have been in Seeds of Treason with Brent)
and the drummer was Mark Suderman(Sudermann)?

Saw them open for I Mother Earth and Our Lady Peace at the Republik.
Great band.

Unknown said...

I totally worked on this at the old Columbia academy, crazy. Love to hear from anyone else who did as well.

Chuck D