Friday 9 July 2010

CCPS Miscellany: Billy Cowsill - Live from the Crystal Ballroom (1985)

If you're like us at the CCPS, you might need a break from the fake country and usual random music (Loverboy! Glass Tiger! Uh, Kid Rock?) that the Stampede season brings to this city. We like to cleanse our palate with events like tonight's Bucket of Blood (see you up front for the Exploding Pigs!), but we realize that some of you might lie something more authentic.

That's why we're pleased to have received this in the mail earlier this week from our friends at Golden Rock. A nice following to our last post, and timely for those who want something more authentic for the Stampede. This recording of Billy Cowsill (opening for kd lang!) was released a few years back by the same folks that put out the Co-Dependents' records.

We challenge you not to two-step to this.

(Oops! This is still available commercially, so we've pulled the link - you can get it from Indelible Music - though their purchase link takes you to the soon-to-be-shuttered Megatunes.)


jeffen said...

Nice one and I trust it does not contain a cover of "Sweet City Woman"?

Anonymous said...

Please repost the link. While the Indelible Music link works, the purchase has to be done through the Megatunes website which no longer exists because Megatunes closed. As I see it this recording is no longer available.



Anonymous said...

Hi,the CD isn't commercially available anymore,

Can you please report the link ?

Thanks in advance,


Anonymous said...


I mean repost of course. ;)

Thanks for the great work !
